Author Profiles

Name: Alejandra
High School: Richmond High School
University: San Jose State University '15
Major: Sociology

About Me:
My name is Alejandra Candelas I’m currently a senior at Richmond High school. I grew up in a family of five with only one working parent. My family at times had struggles to raise us financially but throughout those hardships, it has made me who I am today. Even though I come from a very low income family, I still continue with my academics to reach higher education.
In the fall I will be attending San Jose State University hopefully majoring in Sociology and a minor in Social Work. In the future, my career plans will be either having a job with the government or working in a facility that helps women that suffer domestic violence.

Name: Ashley
High School: De Anza High School
University: San Francisco State University '15
Major: Mechanical Engineering
About Me:
After I graduate from San Francisco State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, I plan to pursue a graduate degree in aeronautical engineering.  My goal is to work for NASA on projects which will create innovation in the field of robotics.  Working for an agency like NASA will also bring me closer to my goal of exploring the universe.  I am very appreciate of my parents being supportive of all my dreams and for constantly reminding me that there isn't anything I can't do

Name: Beatriz
High School: Richmond High School
University: Cal Poly SLO '15
Major: Architectural Engineering
About Me:
I will be the first in my family to attend a four-year university and will also be the first in my family to graduate from high school with honors. The honor of being the first in my family to attend college and paving the way for my younger siblings and family members has always been my motivation to work hard. My father's past jobs as a laborer, working on bridges and buildings, has inspired me to pick up where he left off and work in a related field. I picked Cal Poly because I know that this school will help me achieve my goals of being a structural (architectural) engineer and be successful in whatever I do. I feel comfortable in the environment that Cal Poly fosters and though I will be far from home, I am confident I will not feel out of place and assimilate well into a a new environment vastly different form the city of Richmond.

Name: Brian Mertens
High School: El Cerrito High School
University: University of Pennsylvania '11
Major: Health and Societies
About Me:
I am a graduate of El Cerrito High School and attended the University of Pennsylvania.  I graduated summa cum laude from UPenn with a degree in Health and Societies.  I am currently engaged in completing a fellowship with the Juvenile Law Center, where I am its Associate for Youth Engagement.  I seek to make an impact on the lives of youth and make meaningful changes in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

Name: Claudia
High School: Richmond High School
University: San Francisco State University '13
Major: Social Work

Name: Donna
High School: El Cerrito High School
University: Brown University '12
 Major: Psychology and Education Studies
About Me:
I am currently in my third year at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and I am amazed at how fast my time in college has passed by. In the last couple of years, I have been challenged academically and pushed to think on a higher level. While it has been difficult to go to school so far from home, I have no regrets. Going to Brown has made me a more independent person and has exposed me to many opportunities, such as conducting research with a leading child development researcher and teaching Chemistry to middle schoolers in a six-week summer program. In the spring of 2011, I will be studying abroad in Paris where I will be taking classes at the Sorbonne. After graduating from college, I plan to pursue a career in education.

Name: Edgar
High School: Leadership Public School
University: San Jose State '15
Major: Civil Engineering
About Me:
I was born in Hayward, CA but raised most of my life in Oakland, CA. I come from a low income family of five. I live with my mom, my step-father and two brothers. My step-father is currently unemployed and my mother is the only one working. I used to live in Richmond, CA  for five years but due to financial reasons such as my step-father becoming unemployed and losing our home in 2007, we were forced to move back to Oakland, CA. This fall I will be a first generation college student at San Jose State. My favorite subject in school is and has always been mathematics because I pick up the material very quickly which is why I'm majoring in civil engineering. I hope to one day work for an engineering firm in the Bay Area so I can begin to give back to my community with talents acquired through a higher education.

Name: Eduardo
High School: Richmond High School
University: Santa Clara University '14
Major: Computer Engineering
About Me:
My journey as an AB 540 student has been quite different from most students. This story began 8 years ago in a northern state of Mexico, when I was 11 my family and I left everything we loved in order to find an opportunity to a better life in the US. Adapting to the new culture was tough, but it was even tougher preserving my native roots because I came to realize that my Latino culture is not yet fully understood and accepted across the country. Regardless of feeling trapped at instances, my values, family, friends and teachers gave me the strength to succeed all 4 years in high school and become the top male student in Richmond High. Performing well in my academic work allowed me to select the college to I wanted to attend, but far beyond from that due to my immigration status, securing financial support was my greatest challenge and still is to this day. It took me a great amount of will to accept the fact that I was different from everyone else, but fighting for my education rather than sobbing in despair is the reason why today I am able to say that I am a college student and a prospective engineer.

Name: Fabiola
High School: Kennedy High School
University: UC Berkeley '15
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
About Me:
This upcoming fall I am anticipating on attending the University of California, Berkeley. My intended major is Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in Neurology. I also plan on majoring in Psychology. This double-major will allow me to prepare for medical school so that I can one day become a Pediatrician. In order to gain more insight into my intended field and give back to my community, I am also currently a volunteer at Kaiser Hospital in Richmond.

Name: Fabiola
High School: Leadership Public School-Richmond
College: Whitman College '15
Major: Biology
About Me:
In the fall I plan to attend Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington.  I am very excited to attend Whitman College even though it is very far away from home because it's a small school where I'll be able develop close relationships with my professors.  I plan to major in Biology in order to take the required courses for nursing school.  I want to become a nurse because some of my dearest family members were always sick.  As a nurse, I hope to help those in my community who have the greatest needs.

Name: Hector
High School: Kennedy High School
College: Contra Costa College '13
Major: Mechanical Engineering
About Me:
I intend to major in mechanical engineering.  I’ll be attending Contra Costa College for the next two years to earn a certificate in automotive services, and then try to transfer to UC Berkeley.  I will be enrolling in the Transfer Alliance Project to assist in the transfer process.  I want to study mechanical engineering because I enjoy solving math problems and I believe that engineering is the right major for me.  One of the things that I will do after I graduate is to get a good job and continue my education by attending graduate school.  I believe that I have the ability to achieve my goals and later in life work for Chevron.

Name: Janeth
High School: Richmond High School:
College: Berkeley City College '13
Major: Astronomy
About Me:
I have been walking the halls from class to class at Richmond High School for the past four years and graduating from there is very exciting. Now my path is taking a different course: I will be attending Berkeley City College for 2 years and transferring thereafter. I have always been a lover of science, it has been the most interesting subject for me to learn about so I would like to continue doing so. Astronomy is the most intriguing concept for me and what I wouldn’t get tired of learning. The universe is an infinite area that we never really think about. I will take a step early by taking classes in the summer and having a job as well to support my education. I come from a low-income family but they have tried to help the best they can with my goals since they brought me to the United States at the age of three to have a better future. I chose Berkeley City College because it is close to the University I hope to one day attend, the environment it is in, and I want to travel at least a little to a new area instead of staying few miles away from home. i can't for this new future experience coming my way!

Name: Jocelyn
High School: Richmond High School
University: Santa Clara University '14
Major: Civil Engineering
About Me:
My biggest accomplishment so far has been being a part of Santa Clara University’s Class of 2014. The years I had spent doing my homework and doing my best to get the best grades possible paid off when I had been accepted to my first choice. My first quarter at SCU has been incredible. I am an only child, so I was used to having my own room and being alone most of my time. Now, I live with 5 other girls, and I am rarely alone. I have the liberty to do whatever I want, but I am aware that I will be the only one responsible of my actions. I plan to graduate with a degree in Civil Engineering and continue on taking advantage of the education I am lucky to have.

Name: Jose
High School: Leadership Public School-Richmond
University: San Francisco State '15
Major: Mechanical Engineering
About Me:
My name is Jose and currently I am attending San Francisco State University, and also serving as the Ed. Fund Scholar Cohort Leader for this academic year. I came to the United States when I was 13 years old, since then my life change drastically because coming to this country I had to face adversity. I was always told that education is the best inheritance and to follow your dreams should be your main priority, but in my case it always been twice difficult to accomplish my dreams because being an undocumented student is not as easy as everyone think. I hold my family’s hope on my shoulders and I will not let them down by accomplishing my dream to finish my college career.

Name: Kelly
High School: Pinole Valley High School
University: University of Southern California '12
Major: Film Production
About Me:
I feel so blessed for being able to go to as a great a school as USC, and following my passion of making films that inspire people. I’m proud of what I’ve done so far in college, and I have a lot more planned for the rest of my time at USC! I’ve made wonderful friendships and memories that I know will last for a lifetime! Undoubtedly, there are many financial pressures that come with higher education – for supporting me with this hardship, I give all my thanks to The West Contra Costa County Ed. Fund. I am so grateful for all of your economic (and moral) support throughout my college career. I strive to be someone you, and the rest of the world, can be proud of.

Name: Lisa
High School: El Cerrito High School
University: Cal Poly SLO '15
Major: Computer Engineering
About Me:
My parents immigrated to this country and since a young age I have used my bilingual skills to serve as an interpreter for them.  I am the elder twin in the family and I strive to be a role model for my siblings by taking advantage of all the opportunities that are available to me by taking college and Advanced Placement courses at a community college and at my high school.  I also work in a job which has broadened my range of interests.  I get paid to design websites and am currently working as desktop support technician with TechFutures, a technology academy at El Cerrito High School.  In addition to my responsibilities at work and school, I enjoy participating in outdoor recreational activities like swimming and biking.  In the fall I am going to attend California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo and intend to major in Computer Engineering.

Name: Lizbeth
High School: Richmond High School
University: UC Berkeley '15
Major: Political Science
About Me:
I am a first-generation college student and I have had to face many obstacles along the way. One of them being from a low-income family and attending Richmond High, an underfunded school in a high-poverty area. In order to succeed I have tried my hardest in school and joined college related programs such as Upward Bound and College is Real. Thanks to all my hard work, this fall I will be attending the University of California, Berkeley. Growing up in Richmond, California, I have seen many families around me struggling because they do not have a basic understanding of their legal rights. As a result, I have decided that I want to major in Political Science, attend law school and become a lawyer. I realized this during my sophomore year, shortly after deciding to join the Law Academy. This experience has inspired me to help others and to advocate on their behalf.

Name: Margarita
High School: Middle College High School
University: UC Santa Cruz '15
Major: Latin American and Latino Studies
About Me:
My name is Margarita and I will be a first generation college student. My parents immigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1991, and two years later, I was the first in my family born in the United States. I now have eight siblings and two nieces and two nephews. Although my parents came to the United States for our family to have better opportunities, they were never the type to check if I did my homework every day or try to dictate which school I went to. This has caused me to become self-disciplined, but has also given me the flexibility of exploring different areas of study and possible career paths. As of now, I plan on attending UC Santa Cruz, getting my Ph.D in Latin American and Latino Studies, and then becoming a professor.

Name: Maria
High School: Richmond High School
University: UC Berkeley '15
Major: Nutritional Sciences
About Me:
Being the eldest in my family and in the first generation to graduate high school and attend college is almost a dream fulfilled. This fall I will be part of the class of 2015 at the University of California, Berkeley. Taking Urban Agriculture and food system classes offered at my high school I have learned to live a healthy eating lifestyle. I enjoy growing fresh organic produce and especially providing it for families in my community. I have also realized my love for children after volunteering at Children’s Hospital in the emergency department. My intended major is Nutrition Science so in the future I may help children in my community and in the United States who are overweight. I am truly grateful and blessed for receiving this scholarship to pursue a higher education.

Name: Michelle
High School: Middle College
University: UCLA '15
Major: International Relations
About Me:
As refugees and immigrants with only one high school diploma between them, my parents’ struggles spur my drive to succeed. Attending Middle College High School, I take high school and college classes simultaneously.  I am proud to say in May I will receive my Associates Degree the day before I receive my high school diploma. My involvement in several high school and college clubs and my contribution to my youth group, provide me with a well-rounded set of leadership positions. In the Fall I will be attending UCLA where I hope to study international relations with the intention of helping families like my own, who seemingly had no hope in their home country.

Name: Nelly
High School: Leadership Public School-Richmond
University: UC Santa Cruz '15
Major: Communications
About Me:
I was born in San Pablo but spent two years of my childhood in Mexico, where I learned Spanish and how to be independent. I was on the honor roll in my school in Mexico. My family returned to California after 3rd grade, and I saw the difference between living in Mexico and living in the United States. I attended LoVonya DeJean Middle School and was fortunate enough to enroll in Leadership Public School-Richmond, a charter school with a small enrollment. My hard work at LPS-Richmond paid off, as I will be attending UC Santa Cruz in the fall. I plan to major in Communications and earn a minor in Business. I will be the first person in my family to attend college and hope to use my degree to bring positive change to my community.

Name: Nyree
High School: Kennedy High School
University: California State University, Sacramento '13
Major: Psychology
About Me:
I am currently in my second year of college and I really love the experiences that I have been involved in. Not only has college allowed me to pursue my educational goals in psychology, but I have learned through my selection of classes that I love ethnic studies and studio art, which are now my minors.
My favorite part of college is all of the new things you are introduced to. I love taking different GE classes on subjects I'm interested in or want to know more about, campus events like cultural movies or plays, and identifying with college life in general. It's comforting to know that most of us there for the same goals, struggle the same hardships, and receive the same awards.
College is definitely different from high school, but each institution has helped me grow tremendously in different ways. Getting this far wasn't easy, but it's more than worth it to be in the place that I am now.

Name: Stacy
High School: Richmond High School
University: UC Santa Cruz '15
Major: Biochemistry
About Me:
My parents’ struggle has shaped who I am today. My parents have little to no education; yet, they have managed to support me and my sisters. I did my best in high school and joined multiple educational programs that prepared me for my transition into college and allowed me to graduate with honors. Being in KIWINS, a community service organization, gave me the opportunity to work with the elderly, visit homeless shelters, volunteer at the Richmond Police Activities League and travel to almost every part of the United States to learn about leadership. These events in my life made me become a better person. Without these opportunities, I do not know which path I would have chosen. This year, I will be a first generation college student attending the University of California, Santa Cruz with an intended major in Biochemistry.  Despite financial struggles at home, I would like to take the role of being a full time college student for the next 4-8 years of my life in order to better my family, my community, and myself.

Name: Utsav
High School: Richmond High School
University: Cal Poly SLO '15
Major: Electrical Engineering
About Me:
I was born and raised in Nepal and arrived in the United States when I was twelve years old.  When I first came to this country, I spoke very little English, but through hard work I overcame that barrier and am currently enrolled in many AP courses at Richmond High School, including AP English Language and Composition. I want to study electrical engineering because I want to become a hardware designer. I have chosen to attend Cal Poly because it offers a wide variety of practical, hands-on courses and its small class sizes mean students get individualized attention from the professors.

Name: Xue Xue
High School: El Cerrito High School
University: UC Berkeley '15
Major: Computer Science
About Me:
My parents brought my sisters and me from China to pursue our dreams eight years ago, mainly because my they believed that the gender bias in China would not ensure their daughters a good future. I am very thankful that we moved to the U.S. because I know I never would have had the opportunities I have if we'd stayed in China. I will be going to UC Berkeley in the fall to study computer science. I want to major in computer science because of a program at my school called the Information Technology Academy. This is my third year in the program and I’ve learned about networking, how to build a computer, digital arts, and how to build a website from scratch. This program has linked me to two internships, and provided me with at least two jobs within the academy. Being able to work for something I love did not feel like "work" to me. These jobs have helped me decide what I wanted to major in and which career field I want to pursue.

Name: Yadira
High School: Leadership Public School-Richmond
University: Sonoma State University '15
Major: Political Science
About Me:
I was born in Oakland, but raised in Richmond, a city where bullets are like lullabies that put their citizens to sleep. I attended Helms Middle School in San Pablo, a small city with a high concentration of gangs, and have spent the last four years of my life in Leadership Public School-Richmond.  I have always been involved with my community and strive to educate my peers about issues impacting our city.  I am also active on-campus, being a founder of the Latin dance club, and always have a bright smile in my face, ready for any challenge that comes my way.  I hope to someday become a civil rights and immigration attorney to better serve my community.

Name: Ysabel
High School: Pinole Valley High School
University: Azusa Pacific University '14
Major: Undeclared
About Me:
I'm a freshman at Azusa Pacific University in southern California, and I'm loving college life there. The independence and great friends that go along with dorm life balance the challenging, invigorating classes and studies. My school has an amazing sense of community and purpose which was what initially grabbed my interest and what ultimately made me decide to go there. I definitely feel I'm in the right place.
My goals for college include studying abroad and using my studies for more than simply providing myself a source of income. I'm currently exploring a major in math or science, taking classes such as calculus II and computer science. I'm excited to see what I learn in and outside the classroom apply to my life, how I can use it to solve problems and benefit others.