Monday, December 3, 2012

Life of a Culinary Student

Before I even started attending Contra Costa College's Culinary Program, I was already very excited about being able to study and gain experience in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality field. We've already been in school for 5 weeks and I still haven't lost my interest or excitement towards the program, I don't think I will lose it any time soon either. I love coming to school dressed in my uniform, which consists of a white chef coat with my name embroidered on the left side, black chef pants, non-slip shoes, and a black beret; carrying my knife set and apron in one hand, I'm ready to tackle the day. My first few weeks of school have been amazing; I've met such a variety of people that all share the same interest, Culinary Arts. I've been able to learn all the basics and fundamentals of cooking, basic knife skills, and proper cooking method procedures. I've also been able to gain a lot of experience working for the 3 seasons restaurant, the Express cafe, and the Switch, all of which are outlets in our campus that produces fine quality food. It's been a fantastic couple of weeks, and I feel that it will only get better the more I learn and spend time here.

I've been attending Contra Costa College since the Spring semester of 2012 as an early high school grad, so I've been around the college frequently and have learned where everything is through the campus, I thought that I would be ahead of the game starting my first semester in the Culinary program; I was mistaken. The Culinary Program at Contra Costa differs so much from the rest of Contra Costa College, that it almost feels like you're attending a different school in a separated campus. Most of everything that I had found out that Spring semester became irrelevant came Fall semester. The Culinary Program existed in the Applied Arts and Administration building, and anything outside of the building seemed like it didn't even exist. My impression of college life in Culinary school is very different from what I expected, everything is very fast paced and hands on. It's nothing compared to any AP classes or Honors classes I've taken in high school. It's different, but I like the difference. I'm learning so much more than I anticipated and I'm very happy being part of this program.

After these first couple of weeks of Culinary school, I'm very much looking forward to my next couple of semesters in the Culinary Program. I'm very excited to advance into the more challenging Culinary courses and to attend business management classes. I am excited about gaining a job in the field of Culinary arts and hospitality. But I am most excited about my plan to graduate in two years with my Associates in Science Degree: Classical/Modern Food Preparation and Restaurant Training, a Certificate of Achievement: Classical/Modern Food Preparation and Restaurant Training, and another Certificate of Accomplishment: Restaurant Management. I've made an educational plan for myself, and I am determined to earn this degree and these two certificates in two years. It's my current goal, and I'm very excited about the journey that will lead me there.

Hope everyone's having just as much fun!

–Krizta, CCC '14

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